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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

HULK jadi polisi

'Hulk' Lou Ferrigno now a sheriff's deputy
cnn.com :
LOS ANGELES, California (AP) The Incredible Hulk is now a county sheriff's department reserve deputy.
Lou Ferrigno, 54, who played the green-skinned monster on the CBS-TV show from 1977 to 1982, was sworn in during a ceremony Monday night.
"My father was a police officer with the New York Police Department; I've always had a high respect for officers," Ferrigno told The Associated Press . Ferrigno began training to become a reserve deputy last September after passing a background check. ... (cnn.com)
Jangan coba-coba bikin dia marah bahaya . Wah aktor amerika jadi sherif, aktor kita ketangkap ama polisi, mudah2an Superman, Spiderman mau jadi polisi di indonesia, kuat ngak ya, mereka tugas disini?


Blogger Rini Ekayati said...

Dare, makasih ya uda visit my blog. Nice blog also.
Kalo boleh saya link ya?

6:08 AM  

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